When it comes to getting a college education most people can agree that the costs can be staggering at best. Even the least expensive colleges in the nation can add up over a four or five year period of time creating crippling debt for those who do not qualify for some of the better grant programs of substantial scholarships.
The problem lies in the fact that the parents of most traditional college students make too much money to qualify for the free financial aid that is needs based and very few qualify for the limited number of scholarships that are available to students based on merit. Even among those that qualify competition and fierce and there are no guarantees. Enter the student loan. There are all kinds of student loans and unfortunately with rising costs associated with college attendence and the growing necessity of a college degree for success in this country it is becoming more and more difficult to pay the price that is associated with higher education.
There are three types of loans that are commonly found for college students. They include federal student loans, federal plus loans, and private student loans. Each type of loan has advantages and disadvantages that are unique to that particular loan. Below I will give a little information about each of the loan types and whom they may benefit.
Student loans. There are three different types of student loans: subsidized, unsubsidized, and Perkins loans.
Perkins loans are only available to students who display exceptional financial need. These loans are available at a 5% interest rate and are available to both graduate and undergraduate students. Perkins loans are extended through the university you attend and will be repaid to the university unlike the other types of student loans, which are repaid to the lending agency.
Subsidized student loans are loans in which the interest is deferred until graduation or you cease to be a qualifying student. What this means is that while you are responsible for repaying the loan upon graduation the interest on these loans does not begin to accrue until your begin repayment 6 months after graduation or your cease to be at least a half time student of the university. You must qualify based on your income in order to receive a subsidized student loan. While the needs requirements for these loans isn't as grave as those required in order to receive a Perkins loan you must still qualify.
Unsubsidized student loans do not require qualification on a needs basis. You must be a student and enrolled at least half time in order to receive an unsubsidized student loan. The good news however for those who do not qualify based on needs for other student loan options is that this type of loan is available to all qualifying students regardless of need. The interest on these loans however begins to accrue immediately, which means they can really add up over time.
PLUS loans are loans that are taken out by the parents of students who need the funds in order to cover educational expenses. The maximum amount that can be borrowed is the cost of attendence minus any financial aid awards the student has already received. The repayment on these loans begins 60 days after the loan is dispersed and the repayment period can be up to 10 years.
In order to cover the costs involved in education that go above and beyond what the government recognizes as acceptable college related expenses you can opt to go the route of private student loans rather then relying solely upon federal financial aid for your student loan source. These loans require that you qualify in order to receive them based on your credit rather than your need and must be used for educational purposes only. With these particular loans you really need to make sure you read all the fine print as different companies offer different conditions and different perks. You should really take the time and compare prices and options before taking out a private student loan and this should be done only as a last resort.
Student loans for many can be the difference in attending college and getting the education you are hoping for and not being able to pay the high costs that go along with higher education. For this reason you should treat them with respect and not take them lightly.
Are Student Loans Becoming Necessary Evils?
Great Reasons to Complete your Degree
A university education is one of the best possible ways to insure your earning power upon graduation. There are all kinds of fields and all kinds of majors, some paying higher than others but as a rule, college graduates will earn more money over the course of their lifetimes than those who do not have a college education or degree.
We live in a world that increasingly demands more of its citizens. We need to have the ability to hold academic conversations on the corporate level that go well beyond the score in last nights basketball games. Companies' want well-rounded employees that epitomize all the great things that a four-year degree has to offer. For this reason, even those who have labored in order to gain an associate's degree are getting left behind in favor of those who have a more 'complete' education.
If you have already entered the work force there is still the time to increase your earning potential by seeking higher education. Colleges and universities today are offering more options for students wishing to return to college than ever before. In fact we are seeing an increasing number of college students that are classified as non-traditional students. We are seeing many more adults returning for the education they didn't receive the first time around, which is good news. It also means that more and more options are becoming available at night and on the weekends for those adults.
Even better is the fact that more and more often we are seeing courses being offered online for those who are seeking to complete their education. This allows even more options for those students who are desperately trying to balance careers, family, and education. As more and more opportunities such as these arise we will also see a growing number of graduate studies opportunities being offered in a similar fashion.
If you are thinking of returning to school after years of absence or perhaps attending for the very first time while managing an existing career there is no time like the present in order to do so. Not only will a college education give you greater earning potential in your lifetime it can also qualify you for promotions within the company for which you currently are employed.
The truth of the matter is that you really can't go wrong when it comes to going back to college and getting or finishing your degree. You can increase your earning potential, your promotion potential, and most importantly your self-image. There is something about having a degree that makes you feel better about yourself and your ability to provide for your family. Even if you never actually use your degree for anything other than a plaque on the wall, you will have the knowledge that you accomplished something that only a small percentage of the population ever gets around to completing.
If nothing else, your college education is worth every penny you will pay in order to have it for the wonderful sense of accomplishment that goes along with getting it. Your college degree won't make you a better person; just give you a better opinion of yourself as a person in many instances. If you need a confidence booster in your professional and your personal life, getting your college degree is often just the bump of confidence you need in order to accomplish many great things.
Is an Online Education Right for You?
We live in the information age. We have grown so accustomed to information at the speed of light that the prospect of not having immediate access to countless numbers of facts and figures with the mere click of a few buttons for many of us is simply disconcerting. For this reason, it only makes sense that there are many people across the nation and around the world that are embracing the idea of online learning and educational opportunities with every ounce of enthusiasm they can muster.
At the same time there are equal numbers of people around the world who are trying desperately to hold on to traditional methods of dealing with certain things. In fact, some people actually still play solitaire with a deck of playing cards. For people who feel that the information age has left them behind to some degree the chances are quite good that online learning may not be the best available option for you.
Below you will find a few questions that can help you narrow down whether or not you would truly benefit by taking some of the many online courses that are being offered in today's information age of learning.
1) Are you disciplined? This may seem like such an innocuous question because we would all like to think that we are disciplined to some degree. The problem is that when you are in the driver's seat for your own education you need to have a little more than some small degree of discipline. You need to be able to meet deadlines, take the tests, and hold yourself responsible for actually learning the information that you need to learn in order to pass the course. There is no one to blame but yourself if you do not manage to do well in your online classes and some people simply do not like being in the drivers seat when it comes to motivating and pacing themselves and their learning practices.
2) How do you learn best? We all have different methods of learning for which we retain information better than others. Online courses are reading intensive. If you have difficulties retaining the information you read you may need to find an alternate learning method or seek solutions with the assistance of the course instructor before moving forward in an online learning environment.
3) Do you have a true desire to succeed? The answer to this question is quite important in determining whether or not online learning is in your best interest. There are many paths you can take in order to achieve the education and degree you desire. This is not the path of the masses, at least not yet. This type of learning, more than any other is easy to give up on through apathy. If you aren't determined to do the assignments, to study the notes, and to really learn the material that is presented to you then you really do not need to waste your time or the instructor's time by continually making up excuses. Online courses are largely self-paced but you do have a limited amount of time in which to learn the material before you need to move on. The teacher is responsible for providing you the information and material but you are responsible for everything that happens from that moment on. Are you ready for that responsibility?
Whether you are a first time college stu
University Disadvantages
When compared with the community college system the very first and most distinctive disadvantage that comes to mind is the high cost of upper education on the university level. Community colleges are simply more cost effective all around than universities. The costs go well beyond that money that would be spent on room and board making the tuition alone cost prohibitive in many cases. While there are many types of financial aid available to students the vast majority of college students in this country make ends meet through the use of student loans, which must be repaid at quite a hefty interest rate, in order to cover the costs associated with university educations.
Beyond the one obvious disadvantage there are a few other disadvantages that bear mentioning in this particular circumstance. First of all, universities do not have the small intimate classroom settings that literally set community colleges apart. In fact, for lower level course, most universities offer large auditorium classes that are taught by graduate students rather than professors and more often than not the students never get to know those who are charged with their education on more than a nod and smile while passing in the halls basis. This method for learning is considered by many to be exceptionally inferior and the statistics prove that students who go straight into a four-year college environment rather than going through a community college first are far less likely to complete their degrees.
If that isn't enough of a disadvantage, many people find that the impersonal atmosphere of most universities is quite limiting when it comes to interaction with other students. The smaller classroom environments of community colleges invite interaction between the students in the class. An open line of communication within the classroom is greatly preferred to having so many students that no one gets a voice or the ability to voice their opinions or personal experiences when it comes to certain topics.
Another disadvantage to university life is the sheer size of university campuses. Community colleges tend to be much more compact. This means that students have a fairly decent chance of making it to all classes on time and without the worry of walking 2 miles in ten minutes. While this is great for physical fitness, missing the first ten minutes of class each week can limit the educational process that your university experience should be providing. It seems like such a small thing on one hand but when you are hauling around a day's worth of textbooks and a laptop--that hike can be the thing that marines seem dubious about accomplishing.
While there are a few distinctive disadvantages to university life, the fact remains that graduation from a university is the single biggest way to increase your earning potential over the course of your lifetime. The amounts are by no means insignificant. I highly recommend whenever possibly that you attend community college for the first two years of your college education. Beyond that, I strongly urge you to consider the value that completing your education and getting a four-year degree can provide.
If you wish to build self-confidence, earning potential, and job security, there is no way of doing so that is superior to getting a four-year degree. It doesn't matter where you are in life or your career; it is never too late to begin getting your education. There are so many things in the world that a good education will open your eyes to in addition to the doors of opportunity a four-year degree will open.
Which is Which? Student loans or Scholarship
Scholarship for Doctoral Degree (S3) Ford Foundation
THE INDONESIAN Scholar Dissertation Award
This scholarship is sponsored by the Ford Foundation and aims to support and give awards to doctoral students (S3) in Indonesia, which assessed research proposal will contribute to Indonesia's progress through innovative thinking, visionary, and a significant impact on the development and advancement of people of Indonesia and the Indonesia's future.
These scholarships are provided for future leaders who can accurately identify and formulate serious problems faced by this nation, and offers innovative and practical solutions through its S3 research. Value added will be given to research that can approach the multi-or interdisciplinary.
Scholarships will be awarded in the form of funds for research and writing of a dissertation as part of the requirement to complete the S3 (including collection and processing of data). This scholarship is open to doctoral candidates from any field of study with brilliant academic achievement research proposal was approved by the promoter and / or college parties.
Each scholarship applicants must meet the following requirements:
Nationals living in Indonesia and Indonesia
Actively enrolled in universities in Indonesia in the doctoral program (S3)
Have passed all required courses taken and has fulfilled all academic requirements to be able to start research on the S3 program
Are just starting to do research or doing research on the S3 program
It was her test of the research proposal and formally obtain approval to begin research from the universities and the Purchaser or Team Examiners
Download the application form through this link:
Registration Form - The Indonesian Scholar Dissertation Award
Image registration is completed must be received by no later than the date of IIEF 31 JULI 2009 (important to note not postmarked) and must include the code: ISDA on the top left corner of the envelope.
Image registration can be sent or delivered to the address:
IIEF - The Indonesian International Education Foundation
Menara Imperium Lt. 28, Suite B
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav 1, Jakarta 12980
For more information, please contact IIEF in
Tel: 021-8317330, fax: 021-8317331, email: scholarship@iief.or.id.
via : infobeasiswa
Educational Savings Accounts
When it comes to getting a college education, financing is one of the most important considerations that you will need to make. Unfortunately for far too many it is one the last considerations that is made when it comes to the educations of our children. If you are a parent you owe it your child and yourself to plan ahead and plan carefully in order to cover the cost of your child's education. There are fortunately, a few great ways in which you can do this.
The most common is to begin by opening up an educational savings account for your child (under the age of 18). When you open up an educational savings account for your child, you can contribute up to $2,000 per year per child. This is a combined total contribution however and includes the contributions of grandparents, friends, and family in addition to your own personal contributions. The money from these funds can be withdrawn tax-free as long as they are used for educational purposes.
Educational expenses in this case include books, tuition, fees, supplies, and college room and board provided that your child is at least a part-time student. If you do not use all the funds for your child there are options as far as what to do with the remaining funds in the account. The first option would be to leave the funds in the account and allow the account beneficiary to withdraw them up until the age of 30. There is a penalty involved and the beneficiary will be required to pay income tax on those funds. You could also elect to roll those funds over to the next child under the age of 18 who will have educational expenses in the future.
The money you set aside in these accounts to cover the cost of the education of your child or children is not tax-deductible however, it is a great way to begin saving money and investing in the future of your child. If you begin investing the maximum amount $2,000 per year upon birth your child should have a nice nest egg to help cover educational expenses. If your child is fortunate enough to qualify for scholarships and other sources of financial aid you can turn the funds over as a graduation gift or save it for the next college student in your family that comes along. Either way you've saved yourself a good part of the worry that goes along with providing for your family by having this fund set up for your children.
You can sign up for programs like Upromise in order to subsidize your contributions with donations from corporate sponsors as their way of thanking you for buying their products or using their services on any credit cards that you, your friends, and your family members have registered to go into your child's account. Every edge you give yourself when it comes to investing in the education of your children is an edge worth having. College tuition rates are rising at an alarming rate while corporate expectations of college degrees are rising at the same near lightening speed. This means that a college degree is more critical for our children than in any past generations.
Take the time now to check into securing the future of your children by establishing an educational savings account. Let friends and family know that any gifts they are planning to give your children that involve money would be appreciated if they instead invested in the future of your children rather than the now. You can also ask your friends and family to sign up their credit cards with Upromise in order to provide a little bump in donations to your child's college savings account. These little steps add up to significant savings over the course of 18 years. You just might find that the investment you are making is adequate to cover the costs of your child's tuition in full.
Scholarship Program bid from Belgian Government
Belgian government offered scholarships to prospective - prospective students from developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. Instructions and information on scholarship programs 2010 - 2012 can be found and downloaded, start date of October 1, 2009, through networking sites below:
* www.scholarships.vliruos.be
* www.cud.be
* www.itg.be
Detailed information about this scholarship program can also be obtained through the Belgian Embassy in Jakarta on Wednesday and Friday through:
Tel. (021) 3162030
E-mail: jakarta@diplobel.fed.be
E-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it. U.p. Mother Francisca Pranoto.
Further information can be found on the following link.
File: Click Here (563.3 KB)
Belgian government offered scholarships to prospective - prospective students from developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. Instructions and information on scholarship programs 2010 - 2012 can be found and downloaded, start date of October 1, 2009, through networking sites below:
* www.scholarships.vliruos.be
* www.cud.be
* www.itg.be
Detailed information about this scholarship program can also be obtained through the Belgian Embassy in Jakarta on Wednesday and Friday through:
Tel. (021) 3162030
E-mail: jakarta@diplobel.fed.be
E-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it. U.p. Mother Francisca Pranoto.
Further information can be found on the following link.
File: Click Here (563.3 KB)
Guaranteed College Nursing Scholarship
If you're on your way to college, you might be confused with the many courses being offered. Choosing one can give you a headache, but if you already know what particular career you want to pursue after college, you will not have much difficulty.
Observe the trends in the job market. The medical field hires a lot of competent people every year, and the demand for medical professionals is still increasing at present. Even those who already have a career are looking for ways to join this particular field.
Nurses are badly needed. The demand for nursing graduates is growing. Health agencies and other services are looking for highly trained and qualified nurses. That is probably why many students are attracted to this field.
The primary problem that most students encounter before they go to college, especially with a nursing course, is funding. Though this field is very much in demand, not all aspiring nursing students are able to graduate because of financial problems.
Public colleges which offer nursing courses can cost you around $14,000 a year; and if you want to attend college in a private university, the cost can reach as high as $30,000 a year. And to think that the tuition fees increase every year. You can just imagine how much it's going to cost you if you want to graduate with a nursing degree.
Nursing is quite an expensive course, and if you don’t have the money, you can't possibly graduate. What a sad ending for an aspiring student, but don’t lose hope yet. There are still ways to pursue your college studies without anymore worrying for your expenses.
Education helps people learn about different things, but it doesn’t end there, it is also a business in itself. If you don’t have enough money, you can't get the best education possible. If you don’t have money, that is not a problem. If you want to finish a course in nursing, you must be aware that it entails a lot of coursework. So if you are a working student, you will surely have difficulty in keeping up with your job and the coursework. What you need is a college scholarship to fully concentrate in your education.
First and foremost, you must contact nursing associations in your locality, your state's nursing board, and the American Nurses Association (ANA). Check the website of ANA on the net because they can provide you with the necessary information you will need for a nursing scholarship and grants. All it takes is a little research.
Federal government funds certain nursing scholarships, as well as private entities. Schools, agencies, and corporations offer nursing scholarships for individual students.
You will need all indispensable information from certain people like the college of nursing department head. He/she can provide you with scholarship/grant applications. Or you can also contact the person in authority who provides scholarship/grants to nursing students.
You're quite lucky if you have parents who can fund your way to college, but if you're one of the less fortunate ones, you definitely need some form of assistance. Stand up and make a move, don’t just sit there and wait for someone to offer you a scholarship of some sort. Chances are it wouldn’t come looking for you.
If you are quite confident that you can maintain a scholarship, apply for one. It never hurts to try.
How to get your hands on a College Free Scholarship and Get that Degree you Want
Year in and year out, fresh graduates from high schools all over America have the same problem finding a free scholarship for college. While for those who have gone to private schools, money won't seem to be a problem as their parents could probably afford it. But for the millions of kids that go to public schools, this is a problem that has hounded them for years.
Many of these kids don’t even bother thinking about college. Most of them just get jobs and think about their independence. But how many of them do actually succeed and lead comfortable lives and get good earning jobs?
The chances are very slim. Getting a good college degree is the key to expedite the climb to the corporate ladder plus, they also get the much needed knowledge to be competitive in the work force. The diploma is not just a piece of paper that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, the education that comes with those four years of hard work and great college fun is what you invest in.
But did you know that many college students from all over the country have been receiving scholarship money amounting to billions of dollars every year? This money comes from different sources and are divided up by many college students to get a free scholarship for college.
So the next question would be, how will you be able to get your hands into some of this money to finance your college education? Here are some steps many experts have recommended.
Start your search the earliest possible.
Don’t wait until you are in your senior year to find the source of these free scholarships. Even though you are just a junior, even in your sophomore year in high school, you should be able to start looking. There are even scholarships that are already awarded to junior year high school students. The first place you should go to look for these scholarships is in the counseling office of your high school. Then follow it up at the college financial aid office. You may also try the local community and civic organizations in your area. The Department of Education from your state is also a good place for inquiries. An dof course, the Internet.
Never stop looking for free scholarships.
Some scholarships are only good for a year or two. The more back up scholarship programs you have the more likely you will be able to finish your degree.
Hone your skills and interests.
There are many scholarship grantees that focuses on a persons skills, particular interest, ethnicity, athletic and extracurricular achievements or religion, so even if you do not have the highest academic distinction in your class, you still have a chance to be a scholar.
Be prompt with the deadlines
Note the dates when you have to pass your requirements, being late in your submission is as good as not submitting at all.
Grab every opportunity.
Apply for every scholarship program that you think you may qualify for. You may not pass in all of them, but at least you have other options.
Beware of the many scams in the Internet; if a website is charging you, this is likely just a con to get some money. Be relentless in your search and you will get that college degree you need with a college free scholarship.
How to Apply for a Scholarship: College Freshman’s Recipe
When we speak of college scholarship application, the burden is always on the parents. Since they have the responsibility over the education of their children and they know what will be good for them, parents apply personally for the college scholarship of their children.

What if we turn the tide? From primary to secondary education, your parents accepted the responsibility. But you are old enough to take care of a simple college scholarship application. It takes some courage, self-confidence, and some excellent academic records to apply for a college scholarship. Keep in mind that is you who will utilize the financial aid that comes with the scholarship and not your parents. Thus, applying for a college scholarship is now your business, and you can do it with less supervision from your parents.
The procedure for college scholarship application is similar when you apply for college. You need to learn every scholarship opportunity available and make a list of potential prospects that you think will fit your personal needs. Once through with the list, you need to create an application letter and state your achievements (good high school scholastic records and recommendation letters from your high school director and teachers) and you are now on your way on getting into college for less, if not for free.
The above-mentioned procedure is the most common way of getting a college scholarship. However, the chances of success lies in you, and you need to exert more effort to assure yourself of a financial aid when you go to college. To increase your chances, here are some pointers that you can consider:
• You should start as early as your high school years. There are many college scholarships that open during your senior high school year. In addition, these financial aid programs are only open in a specific period of time. Once the application closes, you have to wait for another year before you can file for your application. Starting early will give you better chances of getting the best financial aid available.
• Give importance to the scholarship requirements. Keep in mind that among all available scholarships, there are only few that will fit your qualifications. Read the eligibility standards of the college scholarship that you want to apply. If you found out that the financial aid does not fit with the qualifications that you have, search for another. Do not insist yourself on scholarships where your chances of success is minute.
• Do not forget to complete the requirements asked by the college scholarship. Prepare the documents that are commonly asked by the scholarship grantee to its applicants.
• Your application letter will be your “speaking alter-ego” to the sponsor of the college scholarship you have applied for. Thus, you need to create an application letter that will convince the sponsor that you honestly need the financial aid and you deserve to get one, state honest information in your application. Never include false information especially if your purpose is just to “flatter” the sponsor with your achievements.
After you followed the aforementioned recipe, you are now ready to submit your application to the scholarship screening committee. Be prepared for other requirements (such as interviews and examinations) that will determine if you are eligible to receive a college scholarship.
Follow the aforementioned college freshman’s recipe when you apply for a college scholarship. And best of all, do not forget to pray that the sponsor would consider you eligible for the college scholarship. Good luck!
How to Get a College Soccer Scholarship
You have to consider that education is one of the most important investments that you will ever make in your whole life. This is why your parents save money in order for you to get in a good college and finish it. As a parent, you want your child to have the best education money can buy. With a college education, your children will be able to live a good life.
College education is required by many companies today in order to have a spirited workforce that will keep their company competitive in the world of business. Whatever field your child chooses, you have to remember that college education will land them that job they want and also secure their future.

You also have to consider that the high paying jobs today requires a college degree. If your child doesn’t have a college degree, then the chances for them to find the job they want with good compensation will be very hard.
However, what if you can’t afford to pay for college? With the decline in today’s economy, just making ends meet is a challenge. So, you may now ask, what about your child? What happens to your plans in saving money for them in order to get in a good college?
One good way to get your child to a good college is by letting them play soccer. It is a fact that it may seem too good to believe that soccer can take your child to college. However, there are good colleges out there that offer college soccer scholarship. They send out scouts to different schools to evaluate different soccer players and offer the best soccer player a college scholarship. This is one of the best and the most common ways that your child can earn a scholarship.
If your child loves playing soccer, you should consider investing in this sport in order to improve your child’s soccer skills. Armed with good soccer skills will prepare them for athletic scholarship grants that many colleges are sponsoring. However, your child should be the best in the sport in order to get noticed.
You have to consider that soccer isn’t really a very good career choice for your child. The odds of getting a career out of soccer are very close to nil. You just have to think of soccer as a ticket for your child to attend a good college where they can learn the field they choose and prepare them for the future.
You should advice your child that being soccer pro will be a very hard thing to achieve and they should also study in the field they choose in order to let them have a second option on getting the job they want. You have to advice them that although they should work hard in their soccer skills, they should also work hard in their academics and study hard in order to prepare them in case they don’t make it as a professional soccer player.
When applying for a college soccer scholarship, you can get your child to be involved in the Olympic Development Program. This program will increase their chances in getting a college scholarship and will also let your child polish their skills in playing soccer. It is also recommended that you child should play for a good soccer club as well as in their high school.
Always remember that college soccer scholarships are sought by a lot of students. By having the proper skills and the proper discipline, your child will be able to play soccer in college and at the same time, earn their scholarship.
College Scholarship: The Benefits and Why People Try Getting One
Education is one of the most important investments that you will ever make. It is something that you should have in order to have a good job with a good salary. College education in particular will land you that job you want with a salary that will be more than enough to live your everyday life comfortably.
This is why it is important for you to know that college education can cost a lot of money. Today, college education can be very expensive. Many companies today are requiring a college degree in their applicants. And, you also know how good jobs are really hard to find today. By having a college degree, you will be able to have a better chance in getting that job you want.

However, not many people can afford a college education. This is why many students are working hard in their academics in order to get a college scholarship. Some are also working hard in sports in order to get discovered by college scouts and offer them a sports scholarship.
So, if you want to get to college but you don’t have enough money, you should work hard academically or you should work hard in your game.
Basically, there are three types of college scholarship grants that you should consider. These grants can be given to college students and to soon-to-be-college students. The three types of college scholarship grants are athletic scholarship grant, academic scholarship grant and departmental grant. Each of these college scholarship grants have its own criteria that you should consider before the grant is awarded to you.
• Academic Scholarship Grant – This type of scholarship grant is awarded to students who are eligible for GPA. Some colleges offer this grant to students who have achieved an exceptional academic performance before they enter college. You have to consider that academic scholarship grants are awarded to students who have received honors. This is why you should work hard in your academics in order to get this type of scholarship grant.
Once you have been awarded this type of scholarship grant, the college will be requiring you to keep up maximum rating. If this is not achieved by the end of the term, probational status will be given to you until the grades have reached the required level. If this is not achieved, this kind of scholarship grant will be revoked.
• Athletic Scholarship Grant – There are also scholarship grants awarded to athletes who have performed well in their sport. This kind of scholarship grant is a type of scholarship that many students apply for. This is because athletic scholarship grant doesn’t necessarily require you to achieve high academic grades. You only have to excel in your sport in order to get discovered by a scout and put you in a scholarship.
• Departmental Awards – this type of grant is provided to students who have excelled in a particular department. The departmental grants are given to students in order to keep the students in that particular department.
These are the three types of scholarship grants that you can aim for. If you don’t have the cash to finish college, then you should study hard, excel in sports, or be good at a particular department.
Always remember that a college education will be the one to determine what your future will be. With a college education, you can make your dreams come true.
College Scholarship: Guide to Parents on Getting Financial Aid for their Children
Many believe that being a parent is the happiest moment in the life of a human being. Probably you still remember the excitement that you felt when your wife gave birth to your first child. There are times that you will not sleep because you want to take care of your child even in the midst of the evening. You want to ensure that he/she will sleep soundly through the night.
It is true that happiness comes with children in the family. However, such happiness could be achieved if you are responsible enough with your children. You need to provide all of their needs, starting from their infancy until the time that they are studying. Although it will really cost you a lot, you have the responsibility to your children, especially in giving them the education that they need.

If you have children who are now going to college, you have to think of their financial needs. Probably you still remember your own collegiate years and you are aware of the financial needs of an ordinary college student. However, the difference is that you are now the parent—you will now be the one to think of the different payments that you need to settle for your children’s college education, such as college application, scholastic assessment test expenditures, transcript of records, and others. Add to it the lodging and food allowance of your children if the college or university is far away from your own residence.
Thinking all of these college-related expenses could be overwhelming and bothering as well, especially if your salary is not enough to support such expenses and your family’s financial needs at the same time. But if you know how to get a college financial aid for your children, you will find out that everything will work out smoothly.
How you will start your search for the college financial aid for your children? Here are some tips that you can start with:
- When your children are still on their high school years, you should start searching for potential universities that offer college scholarships for deserving freshman students as well as financial aid programs funded by different organizations. You may start your search on the Internet to look for possible college financial aid options for your children.
- Once you find a prospective university, visit their main office and inquire for any college scholarship or financial aid offers.
- Always ask for the cut-off dates of filing and submission of college financial aid application forms.
- Tell your children about the importance of a scholarship to their college education. Make them aware that they have plenty of options to consider as long as they have good high school scholastic records. In this way, you will be able to motivate them to study harder and make good grades, thus increasing your chances of a good financial aid.
- You may also consider filing an application for financial aid programs funded by the Federal government. State-owned colleges and universities offer this kind of financial assistance to qualified and deserving students who want to pursue their college studies despite of financial difficulties. You may submit the FAFSA (Free Application Form Student Aid) personally.
- Make certain that you have completed all the FAFSA requirements (such as present statement of bank accounts, monthly income records, present mortgage information, and others) and understand the rights or specialadvantages before accepting the financial aid for your children. You may also check if the financial aid is renewable.
With different financial aid programs such as college scholarships and federal grants, you are assured of a bright future for your children despite of the financial difficulties that you are currently experiencing.
College Education: Scholarship Grants or Financial Aid?
How much is the cost for a college education?
Is there an available financing scheme?
Let’s face the reality. College education is expensive! A lot of parents do a double take when their children are preparing and looking forward to attending a community college or a state university.
There are a lot of things which comprises the cost of college education and the tuition fee is just a part of the big picture of getting into college. Other everyday expenditure includes food, transportation, housing, pocket money, and other miscellaneous fees which when added up can create a significant portion in financing a college education.

A lot of families in this day and age, even if they belong to the upper-class society, think about applying for financial aid. College grants and scholarships are the most excellent kind of financial assistance.
Grant and scholarship programs do not entail students or the family to pay back. These could be of two kinds: (1) base on need, which is given due to the financial inability of the student and the family as a whole, and (2) base on merit, the talent of the student like in sports, is the main consideration. The student’s academic ability also falls under the merit-base college grant and scholarship.
Oftentimes, college grants and scholarships combine the merit and need criteria to ease out the whole financial aid process. Numerous students and their families are in the look-out for this type of financial aid. However, college grants and scholarships are limited compared with the growing number of students year after year.
Qualifying students can avail of federal and a number of state scholarship programs. Some of which are the following:
Federal or National Pell Grants – this is a program funded nationwide intended to endow assistance to any qualified undergraduate learner pursuing postsecondary schooling. Grants and scholarships of this kind are given to those who have not finished a baccalaureate degree.
The worth of the grant can vary year after year and will depend largely on the financial need of the students, the expenses that will be incurred while attending the chosen university or college, and the availability of funds from the national government.
This type of grant will open opportunity for the students to avail succeeding financial aid from the national government.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) – this is a program for ongoing undergraduate students with outstanding monetary need. However, not all students can avail this type of grant. This will depend on the eligibility of the students and availability of finances of the concerned school.
Another form of financial aid that students and families can turn to is through loans. This type of financial assistance should be paid back. The financial need of the family should be considered thoroughly to avoid paying high interest rates.
It is also a must to understand all the terms of lending agencies such as the schedule of repayment and interest rates, before signing in or making a commitment.
Work study is a form of financial assistance which calls for students to do labor to sustain their college education. Work study is commonly done on campus and is the most typical form of financial aid in all universities and colleges. Usually, the students will render service to schools for ten to fifteen hours per week.
Scholarships, grants and other forms of financial aid to acquire college education is really multifaceted, confusing at times, and even exasperating. The good thing is college education is a non-refundable and non-biodegradable type of investment. It is for the future!